280 research outputs found

    Bends In Nanotubes Allow Electric Spin Control and Coupling

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    We investigate combined effects of spin-orbit coupling and magnetic field in carbon nanotubes containing one or more bends along their length. We show how bends can be used to provide electrical control of confined spins, while spins confined in straight segments remain insensitive to electric fields. Device geometries that allow general rotation of single spins are presented and analyzed. In addition, capacitive coupling along bends provides coherent spin-spin interaction, including between otherwise disconnected nanotubes, completing a universal set of one- and two-qubit gates.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Spin Coulomb drag in the two-dimensional electron liquid

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    We calculate the spin-drag transresistivity ρ(T)\rho_{\uparrow \downarrow}(T) in a two-dimensional electron gas at temperature TT in the random phase approximation. In the low-temperature regime we show that, at variance with the three-dimensional low-temperature result [ρ(T)T2\rho_{\uparrow\downarrow}(T) \sim T^2], the spin transresistivity of a two-dimensional {\it spin unpolarized} electron gas has the form ρ(T)T2lnT\rho_{\uparrow\downarrow}(T) \sim T^2 \ln T. In the spin-polarized case the familiar form ρ(T)=AT2\rho_{\uparrow\downarrow}(T) =A T^2 is recovered, but the constant of proportionality AA diverges logarithmically as the spin-polarization tends to zero. In the high-temperature regime we obtain ρ(T)=(/e2)(π2Ry/kBT)\rho_{\uparrow \downarrow}(T) = -(\hbar / e^2) (\pi^2 Ry^* /k_B T) (where RyRy^* is the effective Rydberg energy) {\it independent} of the density. Again, this differs from the three-dimensional result, which has a logarithmic dependence on the density. Two important differences between the spin-drag transresistivity and the ordinary Coulomb drag transresistivity are pointed out: (i) The lnT\ln T singularity at low temperature is smaller, in the Coulomb drag case, by a factor e4kFde^{-4 k_Fd} where kFk_F is the Fermi wave vector and dd is the separation between the layers. (ii) The collective mode contribution to the spin-drag transresistivity is negligible at all temperatures. Moreover the spin drag effect is, for comparable parameters, larger than the ordinary Coulomb drag effect.Comment: 6 figures; various changes; version accepted for publicatio

    Non-linear thermoelectrics of molecular junctions with vibrational coupling

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    We present a detailed study of the non-linear thermoelectric properties of a molecular junction, represented by a dissipative Anderson-Holstein model. A single orbital level with strong Coulomb interaction is coupled to a localized vibrational mode and we account for both electron and phonon exchange with both electrodes, investigating how these contribute to the heat and charge transport. We calculate the efficiency and power output of the device operated as a heat to electric power converter and identify the optimal operating conditions, which are found to be qualitatively changed by the presence of the vibrational mode. Based on this study of a generic model system, we discuss the desirable properties of molecular junctions for thermoelectric applications.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Image charge effects in single-molecule junctions: Breaking of symmetries and negative differential resistance in a benzene transistor

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    Both experiments and theoretical studies have demonstrated that the interaction between the current carrying electrons and the induced polarization charge in single-molecule junctions leads to a strong renormalization of molecular charging energies. However, the effect on electronic excitations and molecular symmetries remain unclear. Using a theoretical framework developed for semiconductor nanostructure based single-electron transistors (SETs), we demonstrate that the image charge interaction breaks the molecular symmetries in a benzene based single-molecule transistor operating in the Coulomb blockade regime. This results in the appearance of a so-called blocking state, which gives rise to negative differential resistance (NDR). We show that the appearance of NDR and its magnitude in the symmetry-broken benzene SET depends in a complicated way on the interplay between the many-body matrix elements, the lead tunnel coupling asymmetry, and the bias polarity. In particular, the current reducing property of the blocking state causing the NDR, is shown to vanish under strongly asymmetric tunnel couplings, when the molecule is coupled stronger to the drain electrode. The calculated IV characteristic may serve as an indicator for image charge broken molecular symmetries in experimental situations.Comment: Accepted version (Phys. Rev. B), 16 pages, 8 figure

    Fidelity and visibility reduction in Majorana qubits by entanglement with environmental modes

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    We study the dynamics and readout of topological qubits encoded by zero-energy Majorana bound states in a topological superconductor. We take into account bosonic modes due to the electromagnetic environment which couple the Majorana manifold to above-gap continuum quasi-particles. This coupling causes the degenerate ground state of the topological superconductor to be dressed in a polaron-like manner by quasi-particle states and bosons, and the system to become gapless. Topological protection and hence full coherence is only maintained if the qubit is operated and read out within the low-energy spectrum of the dressed states. We discuss reduction of fidelity and/or visibility if this condition is violated by a quantum-dot readout that couples to the bare (undressed) Majorana modes. For a projective measurement of the bare Majorana basis, we formulate a Bloch-Redfield approach that is valid for weak Majorana-environment coupling and takes into account constraints imposed by fermion-number-parity conservation. Within the Markovian approximation, our results essentially confirm earlier theories of finite-temperature decoherence based on Fermi's golden rule. However, the full non-Markovian dynamics reveals, in addition, the fidelity reduction by a projective measurement. Using a spinless nanowire model with pp-wave pairing, we provide quantitative results characterizing these effects.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Absence of supercurrent sign reversal in a topological junction with a quantum dot

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    Experimental techniques to verify Majoranas are of current interest. A prominent test is the effect of Majoranas on the Josephson current between two wires linked via a normal junction. Here, we study the case of a quantum dot connecting the two superconductors and the sign of the supercurrent in the trivial and topological regimes under grand-canonical equilibrium conditions, explicitly allowing for parity changes due to, e.g., quasi-particle poisoning. We find that the well-known supercurrent reversal for odd occupancy of the quantum dot (pi-junction) in the trivial case does not occur in the presence of Majoranas in the wires. However, we also find this to be a mere consequence of Majoranas being zero energy states. Therefore, the lack of supercurrent sign reversal can also be caused by trivial bound states, and is thus not a discriminating signature of Majoranas.Comment: 6 pages + 1 page appendix + 2 pages bibilography, 4 figure

    A number conserving theory for topologically protected degeneracy in one-dimensional fermions

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    Semiconducting nanowires in proximity to superconductors are among promising candidates to search for Majorana fermions and topologically protected degeneracies which may ultimately be used as building blocks for topological quantum computers. The prediction of neutral Majorana fermions in the proximity-induced superconducting systems ignores number-conservation and thus leaves open the conceptual question of how a topological degeneracy that is robust to all local perturbations arises in a number-conserving system. In this work, we study how local attractive interactions generate a topological ground-state near-degeneracy in a quasi one-dimensional superfluid using bosonization of the fermions. The local attractive interactions opens a topological quasiparticle gap in the odd channel wires (with more than one channel) with end Majorana modes associated with a topological near-degeneracy. We explicitly study the robustness of the topological degeneracy to local perturbations and find that such local perturbations result in quantum phase slips which split of the topological degeneracy by an amount that does not decrease exponentially with the length of the wire, but still decreases rapidly if the number of channels is large. Therefore a bulk superconductor with a large number of channels is crucial for true topological degeneracy.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Current 0-π\pi Transition in Designed Josephson Quantum Dot Junctions

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    We report on quantum dot based Josephson junctions designed specifically for measuring the supercurrent. From high-accuracy fitting of the current-voltage characteristics we determine the full magnitude of the supercurrent (critical current). Strong gate modulation of the critical current is observed through several consecutive Coulomb blockade oscillations. The critical current crosses zero close to, but not at, resonance due to the so-called 0-π\pi transition in agreement with a simple theoretical model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, (Supplementary information available at http://www.fys.ku.dk/~hij/public/nl_supp.pdf

    Exchange cotunneling through quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling

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    We investigate the effects of spin-orbit interaction (SOI) on the exchange cotunneling through a spinful Coulomb blockaded quantum dot. In the case of zero magnetic field, Kondo effect is shown to take place via a Kramers doublet and the SOI will merely affect the Kondo temperature. In contrast, we find that the breaking of time-reversal symmetry in a finite field has a marked influence on the effective Anderson, and Kondo models for a single level. The nonlinear conductance can now be asymmetric in bias voltage and may depend strongly on direction of the magnetic field. A measurement of the angle dependence of finite-field cotunneling spectroscopy thus provides valuable information about orbital, and spin degrees of freedom and their mutual coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure